TV Spotlight: Pink Collar Crimes
A new show called Pink Collar Crimes recently premiered on CBS, and it tells true stories of women who have committed crimes. The first episode, "Minivan Mom Bank Robber," focused on Roxanne Pennock, a San Diego mother of five who robbed four banks in 2009. Roxanne's family was having financial trouble due to her addiction to pain pills, and Roxanne, who was working in accounts receivable at the time, falsified numbers in order to earn commissions. When she began to suspect that her boss was onto her, she confessed and was fired, and she was told that the company would press charges if she didn't pay the money back. Out of desperation, Roxanne soon began robbing banks.
Pink Collar Crimes isn't the typical true crime show, and I found it much more enjoyable than most of the true crimes shows I've watched (all the brutal murders can get a little depressing, so watching a true crime show with no murder whatsoever was a nice change). As someone who is interested in knowing what makes people choose to do bad things, I like that the women who committed the crimes get to tell their side of the story. The commentary from Marcia Clark is a nice touch as well. This show is captivating and entertaining, and I'm looking forward to watching more episodes.
My rating: 8.5/10
Pink Collar Crimes airs at 8/7c on Saturday nights, and you can find out more here:
Pink Collar Crimes
Pink Collar Crimes isn't the typical true crime show, and I found it much more enjoyable than most of the true crimes shows I've watched (all the brutal murders can get a little depressing, so watching a true crime show with no murder whatsoever was a nice change). As someone who is interested in knowing what makes people choose to do bad things, I like that the women who committed the crimes get to tell their side of the story. The commentary from Marcia Clark is a nice touch as well. This show is captivating and entertaining, and I'm looking forward to watching more episodes.
My rating: 8.5/10
Pink Collar Crimes airs at 8/7c on Saturday nights, and you can find out more here:
Pink Collar Crimes
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